Senseory Plants

Created 10 Oct 2024
Last activity 13 days ago

We are engineering indoor houseplants to emit tailored fragrances, as a replacement for unsustainable fragrance solutions which are produced using petrochemicals and plastics.

Gigi Minsky
lead researcher

Planetary Impact

The fragrance industry is valued at 50 billion dollars. This prosperity has resulted in detriment to the planet and our health. From scented candles releasing the same matter as a diesel engine, to the mass deforestation of tree species for use in fragrance products, to the hundreds of millions of candles and air fresheners ending up in landfill, biobased innovation in the fragrance industry is more critical than ever before. Our product is formulated with no toxic chemicals, no plastics, and is a long lasting sustainable sensory experience. Studies have shown that not only fragrance, but fragrance experienced from nature has vast improvements on human well being and mental health. Our product marries these experiences and brings them indoors for year round use in any location. Long term, our plants can also serve as biofactories for high value, hard to access fragrances which can not otherwise be produced by microbial means.


We use a combination of classical plant engineering techniques (agrobacterium infiltration, etc), state of the art synthetic biology (golden braid cloning etc) and fragrance chemistry to produce this novel product. 

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