Synthetic Gene Networks

Synthetic gene networks are artificial genetic circuits created in a lab to mimic the behavior of natural gene networks. Researchers use these networks to understand how genes interact and regulate each other. By designing and testing these synthetic networks, scientists can gain insights into biological processes, develop new therapies, and create biological systems with specific functions, like producing drugs or detecting environmental pollutants. This research area combines biology, engineering, and computer science to manipulate genetic information for various applications.
Relevant Researchers
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Sarah Seagrave
Hi! My name is Sarah and I am a co-founder of Senseory Plants where we harness plants innate abiliti...
Nadia Radzman
I'm a plant biologist who is obsessed with peptides and legume plants (the bean family!)
David Kim
Founder/CEO @ CyanoCapture. Ex-doctor @ British Army. Dealflow team @ ValleyDAO. Interests: Cyanoba...
Nina Kurowska
I study SynBio at TU Darmstadt. I’m passionate about branches of science where biology and engineeri...