Nitrogen Fixation

Nitrogen fixation is the process where certain bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use to grow. Research on nitrogen fixation aims to understand how these bacteria work, how they interact with plants, and how we can use this knowledge to improve crop production without relying on synthetic fertilizers. Scientists study the genetic, biochemical, and ecological aspects of nitrogen fixation to develop sustainable agricultural practices and protect the environment.
Relevant Researchers
Lou Hom
I am the CEO of Cotyra, Inc., where I provide consulting services to early stage startups, as well a...
Mona Oliveira
Founder od Synthetic Biology and create a bio-revolution solution to the next protein generation sol...
Vrinda Sharma
I'm a MS student at Stanford
Allen Lee
Hi! My name is Allen, a postdoctoral researcher at MIT. I study synthetic biology and metabolic engi...
Nadia Radzman
I'm a plant biologist who is obsessed with peptides and legume plants (the bean family!)
Nina Kurowska
I study SynBio at TU Darmstadt. I’m passionate about branches of science where biology and engineeri...