Green Chemistry

Green Chemistry is all about finding ways to make chemical processes and products more environmentally friendly. Researchers in this field focus on developing methods that reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous substances, minimize waste generation, and conserve energy. By using principles like waste prevention, safer chemicals, and renewable resources, Green Chemistry aims to create sustainable solutions that have a lower impact on the environment and human health.
Relevant Researchers
Lou Hom
I am the CEO of Cotyra, Inc., where I provide consulting services to early stage startups, as well a...
Dan Hussey
I have a background in biotechnology and have worked with 20+ climate tech startups as an advisor o...
Georgina Sandoval
Hi! my name is Georgina Sandoval, Reserache at CIATEJ
Allen Lee
Hi! My name is Allen, a postdoctoral researcher at MIT. I study synthetic biology and metabolic engi...
Sarah Seagrave
Hi! My name is Sarah and I am a co-founder of Senseory Plants where we harness plants innate abiliti...